What We Do/Services

What We Do/ Services

Millions of people in the Diocese of Arua and the Refugees from DRC and South Suda live in difficult circumstances due to injustice, violence and disasters. Caritas Arua Diocese helps, Together with other organisations, government and the population itself, we work towards a liveable future and a dignified existence for everyone.

Summary of What We Do

1. Democracy and Good Governance

a. Civic Education (Voter education and electoral Democracy)

b. Research and Advocacy for improved service delivery

2. Food Security and Livelihood Development

a. Micro Finance development through Village Savings and Loans associations (VSLA)


a. Awareness creation

b. HIV Counseling and Testing

c. Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/ AIDS infections

4. Environmental protection and management

a. Aforestation

b. Promotion of Energy Savings Stoves.

c. Water, Hygiene and Sanitation

d. Environmental education


5. Gender and Development

a. Empowerment of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including; women, children and youth, PWDs, PLHAs, Widowed, etc.

6. Institutional Capacity Development

a. Staff Development

b. Board and Institutional Policy development.

7. Relief aid in emergencies;

a. in cases of situations like drought, floods, physical displacements (refugees)